Asthma: Types, Causes, Pathogenes & Treatment #2020??

Asthma means:

It is an inflammation of Airway which is accompanied by wheezing, cough ,breathlessness ,chest tightness , most during night and early morning.

3 primary problems-
  1. Airway obstruction
  2. Bronchospasm
  3. Inflammation

Extrinsic - Patients may react on external allergen like cat, dog, dust ,etc.
Intrinsic - Patients may not react on external allergen. It may due to some internal cause like -- Drigs, Occupation toxins, Viral infection, etc.


1st exposure of pollen
Pollen grain enter and attach to dendritic cell and along with this it go and sence by TH2 cell which release IL4 and IL5,which act on B cell and convert it into plasma cell and then release IgE 
This IgE stick on Mast cell and bind with IgE receptor.

2nd exposure of pollen
When 2nd time pollen come inside ,mast cell are already prime so short circuit of the IgE , now epithelial cell and lamina propia mast cell both are activate

EPITHELIAL CELL -- this cell secrete cytokynes ( PG, LT,IL) . This creates a gap between epithelial cell so, antigen now go inside so the local reflex occurs through vagus effector and cause --- BRONCHOSPASM.

LAMINA PROPIA CELL -- this cell also secrets LTc4, LTD4, LTE4 ther function are given below::
1) which will cause BRONCHOCONSTRICTION .
 2)And also act on blood vessels and cause dilation result of it EDEMA 
 3)It also cause mucus gland stimulate and produce lots of mucus which block or obstruct the Airway.
4) Also release PgD2 by COX pathway and cause BRONCHOCONSTRICTION and GLANDULAR SECRETIONS. 

 After  24 hrs STATUS ASTHMATICUS (if more then one day can't breath) Mast cell also secrete IL5 which Active Eosinophils , major basic proteins and other inflammatory substitute. Wich will cause vasodilation , mucus secretions , bhronchocontrition and go up to respiratory epithelial and start damage .


Many allergies can bring on asthma symptoms; you may be allergic to pets, pollen, mould, dust, or something else.
Some people have asthma inducers (including allergens) at their workplace. They may have asthma symptoms from working around lab animals, mould, dust, shellfish, or another allergen. If your asthma is caused by – or worsened by – something at your work, it's called work-related asthma..

Sign and symptoms :

  • struggling for breath
  • blue rescue inhaler doesn't help
  • difficulty speaking, can't finish a sentence
  • sucking in skin above breastbone and between ribs
  • nostrils flaring out
  • pale, grey, sweating
  • blue lips or nail beds
  • really tired, lethargic
  • unconscious (fainted)

Clinical Feature:

  • In intermidiate phase - patients feel Breathlessness , wheezing.
  • In status asthamaticus patients does not breatb for 24 hre --- Hypercapnia --- Acidosis.


There are many safe, effective medicines that can help you control your asthma. You will need a doctor's prescription to get these medicines. You will also need instructions on when and how to use each kind of medicine. 
  1. Short acting B-agonist.
  2. Long acting B- agonist.
  3. Prostaglandin blocker.
  4. Brochiothrimboplasty (heat therapy) and relax the smooth muscle.
  5. Lukotrine receptor antagonist.
