Cardiomyopathy: Types, Classification, Pathogenes & Symptoms 2020 ???


It is heat muscle disease , Myocardial damage due to , Increase BP,CAD(coronary artery disease),Valvular Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Diseases, Inflammation.

Dilated cardiomyopathy

 Dilated Cardiomyopathy
1)It is most common type.
2)It is a global imaprment of contractilty of ventricle. 
3)Enlarge like a balloon(dilated).
4)It is a systolic failure(not able to contract).
5)Hypokinated.(less function).
6)It is progressive cardiac dilated due to impairment of contractilty.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
1)It cause obstruction during contraction.
2)Other part is widely hypertrophic, only septal part is severely hypertrophic.
3)Hyperkinated (more contraction).
4)It is also called asymmetrical cardiomyopathy.
5)It has cavity like banana.
6)It is 100% genetic .50% is due to autosomal dominant & 100% is sporodic ( autosomal recessive).
7)This is most common cause of sudden death in athelict during physical exercise.

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

 Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
1)It is less common.
2)It is a pathological subdiposition in heart muscle. Eg- amloyd , sarcoma &iron.
3)It is failure of relaxation.
4)During diastolic it is not fill because no relax.( Dystolic falilure).
5)It is pathological Infiltration (Amyloidosis, Fibrosis,Sarcoidisis).
6)It is also give back pressure because ventricle not able to relax during filling

1) Dilatedcardiomyopathy:

Dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the cause of Congested Cardiac Diseases.


1) If left ventricle can't contract then >>  Increase ventricle pressure then >> Increase atriam pressure then >> Increase pulmonary pressure then >> *pulmonary edema* and cause- Cough, Dyspnea, Proximal Nactural Dyspnea, Orthopnea.

2) If right ventricle can't contract then >> Increase  SV & IFV pressure and then >> Increase Juglar vein pressure and also cause Hepatomegaly due  to backflow of blood. And also Increase systemetic back flow that will lead to Generalized Systemic Edema & also Ascitis.

Clinical features:

1) Cardiac output not mention properly due to loss of contraction.
2) Pulse will be week.
3) Haemoptysis & cough , Dyspnea, etc.
4) Crepitation of lungs (crackels like sound during breathing).
5) Generalized Edema.
6) In this case ventricle is normally filled like filled bucket & this over filled ventricle again rapid filling by atrium that will produce  -- S3 sound -- both side.
7) Thrombus form because blood fill in dilated ventricle long periods. And this Thrombus also go to systemetic circulation.

Pathogenes :

A- Alcohol.
B- Beriberi.
C- Coxsachevirus.
C- Cocaine ( it also lead to coronary artery spasm).
C- Chagas disease ( due to tripanosoma cruzi ).
D- Doxorubicin & Daunorubician (anticancer drug).
H- Iron over loading condition (Hemochromatosis)
P-Pregnency after few week of delivery unknown causes.

Genetic influence :

1) Dystrophin protein ( largest protein of human being)- normally connect between the sarcomere and extracellular basement.
Function - it manage the contraction mechanism of myocardium.

But mutation if these gene >> Abnormal Dystrophin protein ( that is why not able to contract ) i.e SYSTOLIC FAILURE.

2) Deletion in mitochondrial gene that result defect in oxidative phosphorylation >>> Dincrease ATP >>> result contraction not does properly.

3) Mutation of B-oxidation  (In the present of B-oxidation fat convert into energy) this will also cause week contract .

Complains :

1) Thrombolism.
2) Arrathymia.
3) Valvular regargitation.

2) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

It is Asymmetric Hypertrophy.

Symptoms :

1) In this patient at the peak of systolic , Mitral valve & Septal wall hits to gether and both are thicked.

2) If ventricle push blood against obstruction area, the pressure need more but blood go systemic very low & due to low blood ,Heart muscle go ischemia -- Result Angina .
3)  Due to low blood go to  systemetic -- jerky pulse 
And high risk of Trachy Arrathymia.

4) It will cause Distolic failure and i.e Pulmonary edema and Dyspnea.

Clinical Feature :

1) HARSH SYSTOLIC MURMUR - sound produce due to blood flow against dynamic obstruction of Septal area & mitral walk thickness.

Complains :

1) Fetal Arrathymia.
2) Inferior Endo Carditis ( due to hiting of septa and valve platelets go and stick).
3) Left Atrial Fibrillation ( due to left atrium hypertrophid ). It will produce S4 sound during left ventricle filling.
4) Thrombosis.
5) Left Ventricle Failure.

Treatment for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy:
1)B-blocker for Heart slow.
2)Surgical exicion.
3)Through catheter Alcohol put inti Septal area >> Alcohol irritate this area and produce Myocardial infraction >>> this nacroti cell engulf by microphage and lymphocytes >>> and infected area is healed by      fibrosis >>> result Decrease Hypertrophy.

3. Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

In this type filling of ventricle is reduced.

 Causes :

1)) It is Idiopathic.
2)) Mediastinum tumer & lung cancer will cause Restrictive Cardiomyopathy.

3)) Transthyrotin (special type of protein) accumulated between the Myocardial cell and form amloyd.
(Normal function if transthyrotin is thranfer the thyroid and retinoic acid).

4)) Sarcoidisis -- multiple collection of granuloma.
5)) Glycogen stored Disease.
6)) Metastasis.

Diagnostic :

1)) Endocardial Biopsy.
2)) Echocardiography.

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