Kawasaki Vasculitis

-> Acute febrile,
-> Self limiting illness of  infancy and child hood.

Kawasaki’s Disease Also known by more descriptive name of ‘mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome’, it is an acute and subacute illness affecting mainly young children and infants. Kawasaki’s disease is a febrile illness with mucocutaneous symptoms  like erosions of oral mucosa and conjunctiva, skin rash and
lymphadenopathy. The etiology is unknown; possible causes considered are infectious, genetic, toxic and immunological.The most characteristic finding is the presence of multiple
aneurysms of the coronaries detected by angiography during life or observed at autopsy. Other vessels that may be involved are renal, mesenteric, hepatic and pancreatic arteries.

Clinical features :
Primarily form a predilection for coronary artery involvement that can cause - Aneurysm that rupture or thrombose and result acute myocardial infraction M.I. 

It is also called Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome.
Common in infency & child hood .

Medium size arteries become inflammed -> most common in Coronary Artery ( transmural inflammation ) - inflammatory cell are present in Coronary Artery -> thrombosis in coronary artery -> blood flow in heart is reduced -> result MI myocardial infaction & death.

Symptoms -::

• Eye become red.
• Mouth become red.
• Cardio complications.
• Hand become red.
• Sole of foot are blister & edema.
• Cervical lymph nodes enlargement.

** In Japan & USA most common cause kf acquired Heart Diseases is Kawasaki Disease.

Treatment -::

i) IV immunoglobulin.
ii) Aspirin reduse reduse risk of Sympathetic coronary artery dsease.