Systemic effect of Vasculitis

Systematic effect-:

If Inflammation is there in  blood vessels then, macrophages and neutrophils are activated and secret cytokynes like LT1 and TNF.
This cytokynes will produce Acute phase reactants that will cause Systemic Inflammation.

Acute Systemic effect:  

•) Fever-:

 IL1 and TNF have ® in nerve of hypothalamus which was produce -> PGE2 (prostaglandin E2)--> which stimulate the Thermoregulation center by neuronal pathway--> and produce Fever.

(Hypothalamus produce heat by shivring and cutaneous Vasoconstriction).

Q) How aspirin work as antipyretic? 
Ans)Because Aspirin do vasodilation & sweating.

•) Malaise. (feeling not well).
•) Anorexia hypothalamus was satity (felling full stomach) because hunger center was destroy by cytokines .
•) Weight lossbecause set point of hypothalamus was disturb.

If body have severe inflammatory conditions ->then increase ESR .Increase ESR = because RBC become more sticky and settled down.

Q)Why RBC become more sticky ???

Ans-:As we know there is increase level of cytokines, & in liver ® present for cytokines (one pass ®) so cytokines, eg IL1, etc- go in to liver and produce => C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen.
This CRP will make RBC sticky and result Increase ESR.
That is why in vasculitis we should check C- reactivate protein.
In physiology condition also ESR increase. Eg In Pregnancy.

•) Myalgia - pain in a muscle or group of muscles.
•) Arthralgia - pain in joint because in joints synovial fluid is very sensitive to cytokines.