Takayasus Arteritis or Vasculitis

Takayasus Arteritis-:

This is a form of granulomatous vasculitis affecting chiefly the aorta and its major branches and hence is also referred to as aortic arch syndrome. The disease affects chiefly young women and is typically characterised by absence of pulse in both arms and presence of ocular manifestations. Other features referable to ischaemic effects from thrombotic occlusion of vessels include myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and neurologic deficits. The etiology of Takayasu’s arteritis is not known but the autoimmune reaction to aortic tissue has been suggested as the possible cause.

-> Suffer who are less then 50 years old more seen in females.(Usually asian females).
-> Granulomatous  arteritis of medium and large arteries principally : 
 • Occular disturbance.
•  Weakness of pulse in upper extremities.
• Fibrous thickning of aortic arch. (Affect pulmonary artery coronary artery , renal artery).

-> Inflammation of Aorta & its branches.
-> Usually involve asian females.(>40).
-> Start adventitia of aorta & extend to media & intima they become wrinkled. 

-> If fibrosis of aorta so -> stenosis of origin of branches -> then blood supply of upper limb and head and neck is less.

-> If blood is not go forward so try to back flow that will cause : Aortic regurgitation ,& Coronary artery stenosis.

-> Aorta loose it's elasticity & fibrosed & not form systolic & diastolic as well -> reduce BP and result weak pulse.

Clinical features :
•) Systemic effect :
-Due to inflammation by cytokines productions.
- Fever, Weight loss, Anorexia, Malaise, Night sweat, Week pulse in carotid & upper limb.

•) Local effect :
- Occular abnormalities, Blindness, Neurological defects, Narrowing of coronary ostial stenosis lead to M.I.

Treatment -: