Buerger’s disease is a specific disease entity affecting chiefly small and medium-sized arteries and veins of the extremities and characterised by acute and chronic occlusive
inflammatory involvement. The disease affects chiefly men under the age of 35 years who are heavy cigarette smokers.The symptom-complex consists of intermittent claudication due to ischaemia manifested by intense pain affecting the limbs, more commonly the legs. Eventually, gangrene of the affected extremities occurs requiring amputation.
-> Effect mostly smoking patients.
-> Primery it effects digital arteries and secondly effect veins & nerves.
-> It is characterized by segmented thrombosis ( means some area of vessels are involved ).
-> Acute & chronic inflammation of medium size artery & small artery. eg Tibial & Radial arteries.
-> Occasionally secondary extension ( effect ) to veins & nerve of extremities.
-> Effect mostly mans who are smoking, usually at age 35-40 years.More seen in Israel, India, Japan.
-> Most patients have hypertensive to intradermally inject tobbaco extract.
Mechanism -:
• Thrombus is formed in Artery because endothelial cell are to injured.
• Gaint cell and neutrophils are also present in thrombus area & Microabscesses is formed and vessels wall is infiltrated with leukocyte.
• Thrombus from artery is migrate to vein & also migrate to nerve ,result thrombus in veins & nerve.
Clinical features -:
•) Blood supply to hand and feet is reduced and result - Cold, Pale, Cyanotic, Extreme pain.
•) In advance stage Hyperaesthesia may occur.( Means
excessive physical sensitivity, especially of the skin ).
•) Due to dincrease blood supply - Ulcer ( defect in lining of the body due to sluggish off some necrotic material.
•) Chronic extremely ulceration develop FRANKS Gangrene ( leads to auto amputation ).
Manifestation :- (seen)Cold induce Raynaud phenomenon.(click for more details)
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